What are the disadvantages of a high-carb diet?

As the number of people who are on a high-carb diet increases, there are more and more people who are looking at its disadvantages. Many people have found that they have felt better when they lower their carbohydrate intake. If you are on a high-carb diet and considering lowering your carb intake, here are some of the disadvantages to this type of diet. Get Your Free Keto Cookbook (Physical Print Version)!

There is increasing evidence that excess carbohydrates can be stored as fat. When you consume too many carbohydrates, your body converts the extra into simple sugars which are then stored in your liver. With the overabundance of sugar in your liver, the sugar is turned into fat and builds up in the liver. This will eventually lead to fatty liver disease and weight gain.

If you have type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, a high-carb diet can lead to complications from eating too many carbohydrates. A high-carbohydrate diet can cause high blood sugar levels because certain carbohydrates are absorbed quickly by the body and raise your blood sugar very quickly.



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